To give than receive

I thought love was only for the future spouse,
after God, Prophet, and family
that sometimes sounds gross,
'Cause euw, he or she is not yet in the tree.

I thought love was cool to give it a try,
especially when it comes to the feelings.
Indescribable, sweet, soft and fragile.
Content to life, it brings.

Also, I thought love was not be missed
in everyone's study-phase of life.
Saying "I'm taken" sounds more often cool,
than what a student can achieve from classes and tests

Just a few years back I noticed
that I was partially wrong.
Love is also for any sisters,
who fill each others' hearts with songs,
that bring them back to The Utmost Lover.

And when they heard
that more are getting into the circle,
Love is spreading faster than they expected.

Because they are getting back to The same Lover,
accompanied by songs that praise The Lover skyhigh up
also thank Him deep down into their hearts.

So long love to Remeo brought Juliet stabbed,
so long love to the sisters, inside and out of the circle, bring giving before receiving.

InshaAllah (=

1 teguran berhikmah:

Pengunjung Tiba berkata...

"what more love is, if He lies lower than it."
